Fwd: MacGPG2 v2.0.10RC1 for Intel Macs released!

Benjamin Donnachie benjamin at py-soft.co.uk
Sun Jan 11 02:59:17 CET 2009

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MacGPG2 for GnuPG v2.0.10rc1 is now available for download from
sourceforge - https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248469&package_id=303406&release_id=652661

This download will work under Tiger and Leopard but only on
Intel-based Macs.  PowerPC support is planned for the full release of
GnuPG v2.0.10.

For assistance with the software, please see the project homepage
http://macgpg2.sourceforge.net and the project mailing list -

There has been a substantial departure from the previous way of
implementing GnuPG2 functionality so please patient while I update the
project wiki.

This a beta release of the GnuPG v2.x package for MacOSX.

Please use the accompanying signature, available as
MacGPG2-2.0.10rc1-BETA5.zip.asc, to verify your download before

Report any problems to the macgpg2 team - http://macgpg2.sourceforge.net/

MacGPG2 now uses Stéphane Corthésy's gpg-agent launchd patch for use
with Leopard and above.  For MacOS versions prior, a login item is now

MacGPG2 no longer needs login or logout scripts in order to function
correctly and these will be disabled.

Under most circumstances, MacGPG2 no longer needs to interact with the
~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file and any unneeded entries will be
automatically removed.

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