how to sign files inside a folder?

John Clizbe John at
Wed May 27 05:38:53 CEST 2009

Faramir wrote:
> Hello,
> 	I saw a question in the support list in Spanish language, and it is
> about how to sign files inside a folder, in Windows OS, without using
> additional tools. The goal is to have a tree of folders, with files
> inside, and to sign individually each file (with detached signature, if
> I am not wrong).
> 	Since I have never had to do something like that, I don't have the
> faintest idea about how to do it, if it is possible to do it.
>         Compressing the folder an signing the compressed file is what
> the person behind the question wants to avoid.

I saw that one.

I don't know about doing it "without using additional tools". The
windows CMD shell doesn't give one a boatload of useful commands.

I'd pull the RC1 of MSYS 1.0.11 cause this is a snap with bash and find.
Using his .TXT example:

cd <top folder>
for file in $(find . -name \*.[tT][xX]][tT] -print);	\
  do echo $file; 						\
  gpg --passphrase deafbeef -u 0xdecafbad -sb $file ; \

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:John (a)
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A:"An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels"

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