How to use an "offline" primary key

Sven Radde email at
Mon Jan 4 17:44:29 CET 2010


Peter Lebbing schrieb:
> By exchanging the order of the keyrings, hopefully this will mean it looks for
> the key in secring2.gpg first, where the primary key is included too.

Works fine for certifying other people's keys, thank you!

However, since all updates to the my key would be done to "secring2" and
"pubring2" in this case, I think I would have to re-export/import from
the "offline" keyring to the "online" keyring every time I do things
like changing preferences, setting expiry dates, adding new subkeys etc.
But this is really just a very minor inconvenience and I will see
whether I can do with "secring", "secring2" and a single shared "pubring"...

cu, Sven

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