fsfe smartcard help

Remy van Elst relst at relst.nl
Mon Jul 5 19:34:44 CEST 2010

Good Evening,

Today I've received my fsfe smartcard and I've set it up at my work under 
arch linux with the following guide: 
Now I am at home, using ubuntu 10.04 and I would like to be able to sign my 
mail using my fsfe card. (I use cone). 

I've tried to follow the guide again using the backups of my 
secring/pubring. While my key gets imported it does not ask for my 
smartcard pin, but for my secret key passphrase. (Smartcardreader in my Dell 
keyboard). The contents of the card can be read with gpg --card-edit. 

remy at janedoe:~$ gpg --help
gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.10

remy at janedoe:~$ gpg --card-edit

gpg: detected reader `Dell smart card reader keyboard 00 00'
General key info..: 
pub   2048R/xxxxxxxx 2010-07-05 Remy van Elst (FSFe card) <relst at relst.nl>
sec#  2048R/xxxxxxxx  created: 2010-07-05  expires: never     
ssb>  2048R/xxxxxxxx  created: 2010-07-05  expires: never     
                      card-no: 0005 00000
ssb>  2048R/xxxxxxxx  created: 2010-07-05  expires: never     
                      card-no: 0005 00000

Is there a way that I can use the card on other PC's then the one I;ve set 
it up? 

Remy van Elst

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