Gpg4Win 2.0.4 with GnuPG 1.4.11??

Matthew Mark Drew Matthew561 at
Thu Nov 18 16:11:53 CET 2010

You can have both versions of Gnupg on your system (I do).  The only
problem I ever had was that WinPT used the latest executable
installation irregardless of the defaults set within the program - to
fix this I installed Gnupg 2.* (with whatever utilities you wanted)
and than reinstated Gnupg 1.4.11, which was redundant ,but only so the
front ends would use the version I wanted with them to - actually the
only one that cared was WinPT, Enigmail (used the program settings)
and GPGShell never burped once.

The obvious factor is that the different versions of Gnupg are in
different directories.

Bo Berglund made the following observation on 11/18/2010 8:07 AM:
> I want to get my hands on the utilities shipped with Gpg4Win
> (Kleopatra, GpgEx etc) but I do *not* want to have my GnuPG 1.4.11
> clobbered in the process.
> Unfortunately the Gpg4Win 2.0.4 installer lets me choose if I want to
> install *all* of the extras by having a checkbox for each. But the
> GnuPG itself is *not* optional! And it installs the less stable 2.0.14
> version...
> So there seems to be no way to keep the existing GnuPG 1.4.11 and
> still get the tools installed. :-(
> Or did I miss some workaround for this?
> Note: I already have the latest GPG (from about a month ago) but it is
> based on the 1 tree rather than 2.

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