Solution: Crontab running gpg script can’t find secret key

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Thu Feb 3 23:35:17 CET 2011

On Thursday 03 February 2011, griffmcc wrote:
> Here's what works for me:
> echo 'password' | gpg -vvv --homedir /root/.gnupg --batch
> --passphrase-fd 0 --output /usr/share/file.gpg --encrypt --sign
> /usr/share/file.tar.bz2

I suggest setting the passphrase of the key to an empty passphrase. 
Using a non-empty passphrase and then putting this "secret" passphrase 
in the crontab totally defeats the purpose of the passphrase. Moreover, 
the passphrase will be available to anybody who knows ps.

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