Where are those stubs..

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Thu Jul 21 14:58:19 CEST 2011

On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 21:48, peter at digitalbrains.com said:

> AFAIK, you need to get the public key imported in GnuPG before you do
> --card-status. So you first download your own public key from a keyserver or a
> website or a USB stick, you don't get it from the smartcard. Only when GnuPG
> already has the public key, will it create the secret key stubs when it sees
> your smartcard.

Right.  This is also the reason why we have the URL field on the card.
For example on my card:

  URL of public key : finger:wk at g10code.com

Now if I run "gpg --card-edit" I just need to enter "fetch" and gpg will
fetch the key from that URL.



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