Smartcards and readers

Olav Seyfarth olav at
Mon Jul 25 15:42:50 CEST 2011

Hi Robert,

I use SCM Microsystems SCR-335 and OMNIKEY CardMan 4040 PCMCIA Readers
for years and never had any issues with them using Windows XP, Windows 7
and Ubuntu 10.04 with 1024 and 2048-Bit OpenPGP cards. I have no OS X.

My FUJITSU E780 laptop has a built-in O2Micro SmartCardBus Reader which
using W7Pro64 can access the card but GnuPG doesn't work well with the
driver/hardware so that it sometimes does not do operations as expected.
(process waits for something and stalls, can be worked around by pulling
the card and re-inserting it). The answer of Fujitsu support/development:

  "The system Lifebook E780 and the smartcard reader is used by different
   international customers within global PKI environments (with different
   smartcards, middleware and applications). So we can exlude the driver
   and the internal reader itself. The reported issues, subjected to a
   specific smart card and a specific application seems not to be caused
   by the FTS hardware itself."

I gave up, ordered another PCMCIA reader and disabled the internal one.

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