windows binary for gnupg 1.4.11 // link no longer on gnupg site?

Jonathan Ely thajsta at
Tue Sep 13 16:48:48 CEST 2011

It is no longer shown but it is available at or something of the sort. Copy one of the
link locations that link to the source code and modify that path in the
location bar. It is inconvenient no doubt but it works.

I hope there will be updates to the 1.x branch because I use it with
Enigmail and have no use for the PGP agent that I read is mandatory in
the 2.x branch.

On 13/09/2011 10:41 AM, vedaal at wrote:
> On the gnupg download site,
> There is no link for a windows binary for 1.4.11, only a link to 
> the gpg4win site (a GREAT site and program, btw, but only for gnupg 
> 2.x).
> Is there going to be a a windows binary for future builds of the 
> gnupg 1.x branch?
> (I'm interested primarily in order to update Maxine Brandt's 
> Torduninja site that I recreated, as no one had access to her old 
> site after she passed on)
> Thanks,
> vedaal 
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Brotha J.
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