Sha256 - gpg.conf

kwadronaut kwadronaut at
Wed Apr 25 13:40:58 CEST 2012

On 25/04/12 13:32, david at wrote:
> I did have some commands in my old gpg.conf file which happened to end up in Limmassol

That's quite an accomplishment. Only that file or a whole storage device?

> harbour. So the general question is - are there any special security commands that I can add
> to my .conf file? Which seems to be gpg2?

gpg --version and gpg2 --version will tell you were there configuration
file lies, and they're very likely both going to use the same file.
Thanks to the developers that goes just fine (up until now, for me).

'Any special security commands' is vague, are you looking for ideas
along the lines of "personal-digest-preferences SHA256",
"cert-digest-algo SHA256", or something totally different?


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