GPG with GPUs

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Jun 18 11:00:53 CEST 2012

On Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:49, wk at said:

> I actually found a bug in GPG: If a key has been disabled, it is not
> flagged as disabled in the --with-colons key listing.  I need to

Ooops, the API provided to be pretty complicated.  I forgot the
condition term "$12!~/D/".  Thus using

  $ gpg2 --gen-random 0 262144 | time gpg2 --always-trust --batch -ea \
    $(gpg2 --with-colons -k | awk -F: \
    '$1=="pub" && $2~/[fmu]/ && $12~/[E]/ && $12!~/[D]/ \
    {print "-r "$5;if(++cnt>50){exit}}')\

it picks only the usable keys.



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