A safe text editor

No such Client nosuchclient at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 22:12:08 CEST 2012

On 09/09/2012 10:04 PM, antispam06 at sent.at wrote:
> It's sad to see that Pretty Good Privacy is just about pretty good and
> nothing more. People don't seem to care beyond playing 007. 
Finally, *someone* gets it. You always have to push the bar of sec and
crypto. Not wallow in routines and complacency.  That is how people get
sloppy, and dogma sets in..

> In a way
> it's dramatic given the Industriaised World is all about crunching data.
> Jake Applebaum was right: people should read IBM and the Holocaust.

Or a modern-day equivalent, how western defence companies knowingly
sell/give/transfer armanents to embargoed powers, (cough China, Iran,
DPRK) either directly or indirectly against their own or friendly
soldiers/civilians ?

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