Difficulty with gpg - passphrase-fd 0 on CentOS 6

Rodrigo Galdino Camargo galdinocamargo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 20:46:58 CEST 2012

Dear, on CentOS 6 (not tested in previous) below this line insists on
opening the box asking me to enter the passphrase:

echo $ PASSWORD | gpg - passphrase-fd 0 - no-tty-cv $ ARQ

But how is a script that runs from cron need you to do this automatically (in
case I have used the standard output of echo).

*May or may not help me thank you for the time you spent reading my
email. Thank

*Rodrigo Galdino,*
*Comptia Linux+ Certified*
*LPIC-1 - Junior Level Linux Certified
NCLA - Novell Certified Linux Administrator*
Novell Data Center Technical Specialist
Technical Specifications | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

*Einstein: "A mente que se abre a uma nova idéia jamais voltará ao seu
tamanho original."*
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