[OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?

Hauke Laging mailinglisten at hauke-laging.de
Sun May 26 17:12:11 CEST 2013

Am So 26.05.2013, 16:36:00 schrieb Eray Aslan:

> The college kids I talk to nowadays use email mostly for either
> - official business
> - communicating with their parents
> and that's it.

But will they use more or less email after college? The kind of communication 
changes over time. It did not change that much for earlier generations because 
there was nothing like Facebook from what the users could have turned to 

E-Mail will still be there in ten years. Nearly nobody (no person, no 
organization) is capable of abandoning email (i.e. not having the capability 
of receiving and sending email).

What will Facebook be in ten years? Nobody knows.

> The original assessment that email is a dying tech/past its peak is spot on.

A "tying tech" is not the same as "a tech past its peak". I would not claim 
that email is the best tool for every application so it seems pretty normal to 
me that it loses market share if tools that do certain jobs better become 

As long as you need an email address to register at Facebook and not a 
Facebook user name in order to register for an email account I doubt that 
Facebook is the more established service.

PGP: 7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5 (seit 2012-11-04)
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