[OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at verizon.net
Tue May 28 21:49:15 CEST 2013

On 05/28/2013 03:28 PM, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 28 May 2013 18:17, forlasanto at gmail.com said:
>> crazy and doesn't function correctly, the house is half wood and half
>> brick, and/Jack forgot to put locks on the doors./
> Well, the mailbox at my door has no lock either and it suffers from the
> spam problem too.  The solution is not to remove the mailbox and do
> without snail mail.  Instead I sort spam out and almost all useful or
> important mail arrives just fine; well as long as such mail comes in a
> nice and ads free envelope with a real stamp on it.

I demand a return address on it as well, including the name of the
sender. Lacking that, I assume they are ashamed of themselves and are
afraid I would not open it if I knew who it was from. So I do not open them.

Return addresses like

Suite 12345
123 Frammis Avenue
Washington, D.C. 98765

go into the trash too. No name, no open.  Of course, some senders also
go straight into the trash, too.

This would not be as useful with e-mail, since I can put any address I
want into the From: field. Of course, people could do that with their
envelopes, too, but they seem to do it less often.

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