[OT] Why are you using the GPG / PGP keys?

Robert Holtzman holtzm at cox.net
Thu May 30 05:18:30 CEST 2013

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 09:18:57PM +0000, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
> to use email no longer use it.  Unless a way to get rid of the
> spam can be devised only a few stalwarts that MUST use email
> will use it.  But I dumped Gnome 3 entirely after looking at
> OpenSuSE 12.3 with Gnome as the last straw because I could only
> use Firefox and LibreOffice.  

Just as an aside, I have, among others, ubuntu 12.04 on my box running
straight Gnome3. Chromium runs without a hitch. No time to check
different mail clients. Which one were you trying to install?

If what you say is true, it sounds like a Suse problem, not a Gnome one.

Bob Holtzman
If you think you're getting free lunch, 
check the price of the beer.
Key ID: 8D549279
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