gpgsm and expired certificates

Stan Tobias sttob at
Sat Nov 2 21:36:32 CET 2013

"Robert J. Hansen" <rjh at> wrote:

> My previous email was pretty dry and impersonal.  This one is very personal.
> > Isn't the NSA "a government based organisation?" Surely
> > guilt-by-association renders every government based organisation just
> > as nefarious as the NSA.
> My current job 
> John Moore III, 
> Werner 
> There are a lot of people on this list 
> You owe all of us an apology.

To the defense of MFPA, he was speaking of government based *organisations*.
Organisations don't have a conscience.  People are a different kind, they
often work for you against general policies, if you can interpret signs
correctly and cooperate.

Kindly, Stan Tobias.

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