Signature timestamp ordering and dissecting

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at
Tue Sep 17 21:17:55 CEST 2013

On 09/17/2013 02:21 PM, kwadronaut wrote:
> Up until now, I always see signatures on a key ordered in chronological
> fashion, with GnuPG, sks' web interface and enigmail. It's always in a
> format with day, month and year (sometimes year-month-day or another
> format of that data). Now I'm curious to see when a signature has
> *exactly* been made. Can I see the exact time stamp of individual
> signatures? And the next question would be: how? And: is there any
> specific rationale behind ordering the signatures in a chronological
> way? Can signatures be made at the exact same time?

You can see seconds since the unix epoch (which is the only timestamp
granularity supported by RFC 4880) by using GnuPG's --with-colons
argument (incidentally, this is also nice because it is
machine-parseable, and does not vary across locales).

When using --with-colons, you probably also want to be sure to include

For more info, read DETAILS from the source (or
/usr/share/doc/gnupg/DETAILS.gz on debian-derived systems).



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