31C3, keysigning party

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at fripost.org
Thu Dec 11 17:58:41 CET 2014

On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 at 13:22:28 +0100, Peter Lebbing wrote:
> On 11/12/14 11:39, Werner Koch wrote:
>> I will be at the 31C3 at Hamburg from the 28th (late afternoon) to the
>> 30th.  You may find me at the FSFE Assembly or ask there for my local
>> communication parameters.
> I intend to organise a keysigning party if no one else does.

There is one advertized already:


> Now I'm considering a mixed-mode party, basing on Sassaman-Efficient,
> but falling back to slips of paper as produced by e.g. gpg-key2ps for
> people who brought those from home and don't have access to a printer
> while at the congress. Oh, and there's this 2D barcode keysigning
> thing as well, should look it up.

You'll find an alternative to gpg-key2ps(1) in the latest signing-party
package: gpg-key2latex(1).  It produces a nicer output IMHO, including
UAT (photo) and QR code, at the expense of heavier dependencies (such as
texlive).  Disclaimer: I'm the author of that script :-P

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