Google releases beta OpenPGP code

Rejo Zenger rejo at
Wed Jun 4 10:53:02 CEST 2014

++ 04/06/14 10:32 +0200 - Werner Koch:
>> I haven't looked at the fine details yet, but on the surface it seems
>> like they're aiming at Gmail (mainly, but not solely).
>Interesting.  This is in contrast to a recent online article in the
>German c't magazine [1] where the author claims that Google would
>cannibalize their own business model if they offer end-to-end
>encryption.  Apple on the other hand can afford the luxury of encrypted

A few additional remarks:

 - Google talks about a limited group of users in their annoucement:
   "[...]  will probably only be used for very sensitive messages or by 
   those who need added protection. [...] will make it quicker and 
   easier for people to get that extra layer of security should they 
   need it." If they do not make a larger effort, the use of this plugin 
   will remain limited (and Google will not cannibalize their own 
   business model and still can make a good impression).

 - As Google already mentions: this type of encryption has been around 
   for quite a while but hasn't been picked up by the general public 
   due to the difficulties in creating a useful, secure and user 
   friendly user interfaces. Google still has this hurdle to take. 

Rejo Zenger
E rejo at | P +31(0)639642738 | W  
T @rejozenger | J rejo at
OpenPGP   1FBF 7B37 6537 68B1 2532  A4CB 0994 0946 21DB EFD4
XMPP OTR  271A 9186 AFBC 8124 18CF  4BE2 E000 E708 F811 5ACF
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