Result of the crowdfounding

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Tue May 13 20:53:02 CEST 2014

>      Goteo fee 	2939,-- €

Goteo charges an amount proportional to the funds that are raised.   
2939 euros on 37270 is about an eight percent overhead.  Seems  
reasonable to me.

> My question now: Would'nt it be better to put every year some  
> "Index" in the top of the gnupg-website with the actual need for the  
> runnig year and beg for direkt donations?

It would be better if it worked.  It doesn't, so the GnuPG folks tried  
something different, which turned out to work better despite the  
increased overheads.  If funding increases by a factor of ten, then  
even if overhead eats up half that funding is still increased by a  
factor of five.

> I think the rebuild of the website should include such a feature and  
> if not some of the rest of the money should be used for realizing it  
> for.

Donating to GnuPG is already quick and easy.  Yet despite this, people  
overwhelmingly tend not to do it.

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