Automated Revocation Key Generation

Sam M emunch at
Tue Sep 16 14:28:51 CEST 2014


Am trying to generate revocation keys for master/sub keys. But I'm always
asked for a password.

I'm using the following -

touch "revf"
echo "y" >> "revf"
echo "0" >> "revf"
echo "No reason specified" >> "revf"
echo "" >> "revf"
echo "y" >> "revf"
echo >> "revf"

gpg2 --expert --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring $seckey --keyring
$pubkey --command-fd 0 --output ${a}.gpg-revocation-certificate --armor
--gen-revoke "${a}" < $revf

This works, but can I automatically provide GPG with a passphrase which it
asks for at the end?


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