Import Certificate into Kleopatra/Decrypt Message

Vera van der Werff vvanderwerff at
Wed Sep 24 17:24:43 CEST 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

Recently, I have installed GnuPG for Windows 8.1. I have made a public key (personal Open PGP keypair). I have sent the public key to one of my contacts and he had send me his public key. When I try to import his certificate in Kleopatra, the public key cannot be processed. Currently, I have the signature & encrypted file stored in my Documents. 

Also, I have tried to decrypt a message that he has sent me through the Plugin for Outlook (GpG Ol) - but it gave me the message that the verification cannot be processed. 

I have followed the guide step-by-step, but I cannot quite figure out what I am doing wrong.

Could someone assist me with this?


Vera van der Werff
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