GPA - import keys more easily?..

Dark Penguin darkpenguin at
Fri Dec 11 16:28:13 CET 2015

>> (or not even seeing it, because I think it would normally close
>> immediately after the program has finished running).
> Oh, okay, I misunderstood your request. I thought you wanted to invoke
> GPA from the command line, since you called it a command line option.
> But I suppose you want a file association so GPA is launched on an .asc
> or .gpg file, and subsequently takes the most logical action for the
> actual content of the file (show key info with an option to import for
> keys, decrypt and verify for encrypted/signed data).

Yes; I can set up a file association myself, but when I open someone's 
.asc public key in GPA, I see a "File manager" window with an option to 
decrypt it, which doesn't make sense. I want either GPA to automatically 
understand that this is a public key (which is not hard at all, because 
there is the PGP header written in plaintext), or at least to be able to 
open keys with GPA with some option to tell it that this is a key, not 
an encrypted message, if it can not see that without my help - maybe 
with a commandline option. Or at the very least, they should just add an 
"Import key" option in that file manager for such cases - that would 
also be fine by me. I just want to be able to import a key I'm already 
looking at without having to look for it again in the "Import key..." 

There may be "workarounds" like installing some plugins for some mail 
clients, but I'm happy with GPA, and I want to use GPA, and installing a 
plugin (and probably switching to a compatible email client) and setting 
it up and getting used to it just to be able import keys a couple of 
seconds quicker does not really make sense.

PGP for Windows does that from time immemorial, naturally. I would 
expect at least this much from a frontend for encryption software for an 
operating system which, unlike Windows, is actually concerned about 
security, and I believe our new "converts" from Windows would expect it 
too, and I can't believe it's still not there by now. =/


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