keysearch fails

Matthias Apitz guru at
Wed Dec 23 11:12:30 CET 2015

El día Wednesday, December 23, 2015 a las 09:23:12AM +0100, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> Hello,
> I can not manage to get a keysearch via dirmngr to work; when I use:
> $ gpg2 --keyserver --debug 1024 --search xxxx at
> gpg: reading options from '/home/guru/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
> gpg: enabled debug flags: ipc
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Home: /home/guru/.gnupg
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Config: /home/guru/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK Dirmngr 2.1.6 at your service
> gpg: DBG: connection to the dirmngr established
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KEYSERVER --clear hkp://
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KS_SEARCH -- xxxx at
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- [eof]
> gpg: error searching keyserver: End of file
> gpg: búsqueda del servidor de claves fallida: End of file
> gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> BYE
> gpg: secmem usage: 0/32768 bytes in 0 blocks

Seems to be a known bug:

$ dirmngr
# Home: ~/.gnupg
# Config: /home/guru/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf
OK Dirmngr 2.1.6 at your service
KS_SEARCH matthew at
Assertion failed: (a >= 0 && a < hosttable_size), function
sort_hostpool, file ks-engine-hkp.c, line 179.
Abort trap (core dumped)

Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, 🌐  ☎ +49-176-38902045
«(über die DDR)... Und allein dieser Mangel (an Sozialismus) und nichts anderes führte zum Tod.
Und wer da nicht trauert, hat kein Herz, und wer da nicht neu anpackt, hat auch keins verdient.»
«(sobre la RDA)... Y solo esta escasez (de socialismo) y no otra cosa, le llevó a la muerte.
Y quien no está de luto, no tiene corazón, y quien no se lanza a luchar de nuevo, no se merece
corazón.», junge Welt del 3 de octubre 2015, p. 11

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