signing mails with MUA mutt fails

Matthias Apitz guru at
Thu Dec 24 09:15:46 CET 2015

El día Wednesday, December 23, 2015 a las 08:40:24PM +0100, Werner Koch escribió:

> On Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:54, guru at said:
> > To sign mails one configure in the MUA the command in the following
> > form:
> You should put
>   set crypt_use_gpgme
> into your ~/.muttrc to use the modern (ie. from ~2003) version of Mutt's
> crypto layer. it works much better that the bunch of configured commands.
> > gpg2 --batch --output - --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --sign --detach-sign --textmode -u %a %f
> --passphrase-fd 0
> does not work with gpg2 (since 2.1) because the gpg-agent is responsible
> for the private keys and the passphrase to protect them.  If you are
> using an xterm the GUI Pinentry pops up from the background (controlled
> by the existence of the DISPLAY envvar).  If you are using a plain tty,
> either the curses pinentry or the dump tty only pinentry can be used.
> The curses pinentry is used part of the GUI pinentry and used if DISPLAY
> is not set.  Take care to set the GPG_TTY envvar (man gpg-agent).
> ...

As I said, it works very well; only pinentry is not popping up as an X
application (which I do not want either); a ps shows:

$ ps ax | egrep 'gnu|pin|mutt'
2374  -  Ss    0:00,01 gpg-agent --homedir /home/guru/.gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon
2392  -  S     0:00,03 pinentry --display :0 (pinentry-tty)
2394  1  S+    0:00,00 egrep gnu|pin|mutt
2354  3  S+    0:00,23 mutt

and of course, I have DISPLAY=:0 in my env;

I only wanted to mention this for the records; for me it is fine;


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, 🌐  ☎ +49-176-38902045
«(über die DDR)... Und allein dieser Mangel (an Sozialismus) und nichts anderes führte zum Tod.
Und wer da nicht trauert, hat kein Herz, und wer da nicht neu anpackt, hat auch keins verdient.»
«(sobre la RDA)... Y solo esta escasez (de socialismo) y no otra cosa, le llevó a la muerte.
Y quien no está de luto, no tiene corazón, y quien no se lanza a luchar de nuevo, no se merece
corazón.», junge Welt del 3 de octubre 2015, p. 11
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