Question about FAQ maintenance

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Wed Jul 8 17:45:55 CEST 2015

> Is this still true? My suggestion would to add some date indication 
> so that readers can assume which version of the FAQ they are looking
> at.

I have a small update to the FAQ that's ready to be pushed, but I'm held
back slightly by my lack of comfort with org-mode (the format used for
the FAQ).

The FAQ hasn't changed in a few years.  Probably 95% of the text is
still correct.  However, there are some changes that need to be made
(e.g., we now give a cautious recommendation for PGP/MIME, and the
defaults have changed slightly, etc.).

> (Background: I've seen some posts on the lists for new FAQ entries
> from 2014 and also I found a potential source code at 
> with the
> last commit in 2013 .. this confused me. ;) )

The GitHub repo should probably be closed: it's been completely
superseded by the main GnuPG repo.

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