bugs.gnupg.org TLS certificate

Mick Crane mick.crane at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 00:47:28 CET 2015

>> On 12 Mar 2015, at 23:21, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <hugo at barrera.io> wrote:
>> On 2015-03-11 17:38, Werner Koch wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Mar 2015 15:12, brian at minton.name said:
>>> git.gnupg.org) don't use that certificate.  Have you considered a wildcard
>>> certificate?  I know this has been discussed before, e.g. at
>> Too expensive ;-).  To stop all these complaints I will add a so called
>> real certificate but first I need to move the tracker to another
>> machine.
>> Shalom-Salam,
>>  Werner
> No need for a wildcard one. Just get one free certificate for each subdomain
> from StartSSL.

I think Werner can make his own authority and certificate ?
That sort of information stuff used to much more readily accessible on the net, like how to run your own DNS.
For forgetful people is difficult to track things down now with so much available.
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