PGP Encryption - Random Seed File and Keyring Questions

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon Mar 23 20:27:17 CET 2015

On 3/23/15 12:07 PM, Clark Rivard wrote:
> _Random Seed File and Keyring Questions _
> It is my understanding that GnuPG stores a random seed file in its
> working directory. This file is changed each time you use GnuPG.

This is true. You can completely ignore this file, it is used internally 
by GnuPG.

> Can you have multiple folders containing a "set" of keyrings, trustdb,
> and random seed file (each folder being used for a given recipient) and then
> execute gpg using the folder specific to the recipient?

You could do that, but it is unnecessary. You can put multiple keys on 
their respective keyrings (public and private).


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