Hybrid keysigning party, your opinion?

Lachlan Gunn lachlan at twopif.net
Thu Dec 8 07:29:40 CET 2016

Le 2016-12-08 à 08:14, Stephan Beck a écrit :
> Doesn't your proposal imply that late attendees could
> make their way through all the keysigning without fingerprint
> verification? Or do I miss something?

If I understand correctly, the late attendees still get a copy of the
fingerprints after the fact, they just don't have it on their sheet of
paper.  The fingerprint-less piece of paper just lets them keep a record
of who they have verified, and gives them a hash of the list that does
have the fingerprints, which they can compare with the people who were
ready beforehand (to make sure that the fingerprints have been verified
by the identity holders).

I've actually thought of doing an electronic keyslip program for mobile
phones/tablets that would let you build the list electronically using QR
codes or NFC, or maybe doing it via the hash-on-the-projector method for
maximum speed.  Then you could just download the file to your signing
machine and let CAFF do its thing.

Would this interest anyone?  Does the idea have flaws that I'm blind to?


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