An attempt at backporting 2.1.16 from Debian sid to Debian jessie

Stephan Beck stebe at
Sat Dec 17 02:21:00 CET 2016

Peter Lebbing:
> On 08/12/16 21:42, Stephan Beck wrote:
>> [...], so I don't see the real need for a forced coexistence of the two
>> (or three) versions on Jessie.
> I did that because all the software in jessie that depends on GnuPG 1.4
> might not work with GnuPG 2.1. So by doing it like this, I'm not
> breaking any packages that have the package "gnupg" in their dependency
> tree.

Yes, I understand, and it's great work! I just wanted to say that I,
personally, don't see the need since I upgraded to a 2.1 only installation.



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