AW: Key generation with GPGME and GnuPG hangs at gpgme_op_genkey

Sandra Schreiner sasc0041 at
Wed Jan 27 18:12:26 CET 2016

>I can't get that work. I copy pasted you code in my project and executed your main,
>but I still get a 'general error'. In the meanwhile I upgraded my system from jesse to
>debian 'testing'. I'm now using GnuPG 2.0.28 and GPGME 1.6 but the problem stays the
>same. I build the application with QT Creator 3.6 without any specific flags for GnuPG.
>Is there anything left I could check or try to figure out where the problem is?

I figured out what the problem was. I went back to Jessie with the old GnuPG and GPGME
version and it worked fine, as you said. Unfortunately the other problem is not solved 
with the rollback to Jessie. Where does the 'unspecified' recipient come from? Does GnuPG 
use any defaults which can't be disabled by the flag GPGME_ENCRYPT_NO_ENCRYPT_TO?

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