API documentation for Python GpgMe bindings?

Justus Winter justus at g10code.com
Tue Oct 4 11:00:52 CEST 2016

Hello :)

Bjoern Kahl <mls at bjoern-kahl.de> writes:
>  I'd tried to play around with the (new) Python bindings announced just
>  a few days ago, but I am a bit lost.  I am using Python-2.7 on MacOS
>  "El Captain", with Python-2.7, gpg2, gpgme (1.6.0_2) and the bindings
>  py27-pygpgme and pyme all installed using MacPorts.

note that pygpgme is an entirely different project.

>  (Yes, that is not the newest gpgme-1.7.0 announced last week, the
>   announcement last week just made me aware of the fact that there
>   are Python binding at all.)

Note that 'pyme' as available from MacPorts is likely the old pyme.  You
can grab and build the new 'pyme3' bindings from pypi, provided that you
do have all the build dependencies.  I'm not familiar with MacPorts, but
that might help with that.

(Despite the name, 'pyme3' also works with Python 2.7.  Originally, it
was only for Python 3, but we backported it.  'pyme3' was the working
title, and it helps to differentiate between the old and the new

>  I know the C-library documentation of GpgMe found here:
>  https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gpgme/
>  Is there a similar documentation for the Python bindings "pyme" (or
>  "pyme3")?

No, unfortunately not at this point.

>  Looking at the C-library documentation and the help() output in the
>  Python interpreter for pyme and objects accessible from there, I fail
>  to see a clear mapping on how to call various functions.

'pyme3' has a high-level api with curated docstrings.

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