I think that's a false dichotomy

René Mérou ochominutosdearco at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 23:05:45 CEST 2016

On dissabte, 3 de setembre de 2016 21:05:28 CEST Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> > Do you think that privacy is a fundamental human right?
> What does it mean for something to be a "fundamental" human right?  If
> the question is meaningful, then there must be human rights that are
> *not* fundamental.  So, what's a fundamental human right, and how is it
> different from a normal human right?
> Of course I believe privacy is a human right -- but I have no idea what
> a "fundamental" human right is.

This is one of the keys of this matter.


Pretend to argue on something not knowing the basics just because you have 
your delightful brilliant common sense is ... very common but not so usefull.  

And it represents a open interstelar gate to tolls.  They do not need sight, 
knowledge or logical arguing, they just need to provoque. Not quality needed 

The more quality you give in a witting, the more interesting and usefull it 

Jean-René Mérou

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