Serve up ssh key *and* gpg key?

Damien Goutte-Gattat dgouttegattat at
Tue Sep 13 22:41:55 CEST 2016


On 09/13/2016 04:42 PM, Daniel Haskin wrote:
> My question is, can GPG serve up both?


> I don't think it's possible to turn the SSH key I was given into a
> GPG key

You don't need to do that. Just load the key into the agent using the 
ssh-add tool, as you would do if you were using the "regular" ssh-agent.

> Is there a way I would be able to have an application connect to
> gpg-agent as if it were an ssh agent and have the gpg-agent serve
> both keys?

As long as gpg-agent is started with the --enable-ssh-support option, 
any program capable of talking to the "regular" ssh-agent can talk to 
gpg-agent. That's why you can just use ssh-add to load your key into the 


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