How to show fingerprint in email header?

Satoshi Yoshida satoshi at
Thu Jun 8 20:28:39 CEST 2017

Peter Lebbing <peter at> writes:

> Enigmail puts the following in my mails:
> Openpgp: id=8FA94E79AD6AB56EE38CE5CBAC46EFE6DE500B3E;
>  url=
> I think that is the generally accepted method to give both a fingerprint
> and a URL. I'd wager the following is just the fingerprint:
> Openpgp: id=8FA94E79AD6AB56EE38CE5CBAC46EFE6DE500B3E

I see. Your answer is perfect for my question.
Thank you very much.

Satoshi Yoshida

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