gpg hangs when asking for passphrase

Peter Lebbing peter at
Tue May 9 11:50:33 CEST 2017

On 09/05/17 04:34, Joey Morris wrote:
> I'm running version 2.1.18 on debian sid. Does anyone have thoughts on what
> might be happening or suggestions for additional troubleshooting?

Is it possible that this started occuring after upgrading the gnupg
package? 2.1.17-4 (from 10 Jan) introduced using systemd user sessions
for gpg-agent and dirmngr by default. When I had this enabled on Debian
jessie, a connection to the agent would just hang. I figured this had to
do with a difference in systemd between jessie and stretch/sid. But
perhaps you're experiencing a variant of it. Do you have the package
dbus-user-session installed?

I don't know much about systemd, and I don't run stretch or sid. So I
can't help you much. I just recognised your description of connections
hanging. However, that change was introduced several months ago. Perhaps
something else changed more recently that still broke the user session
thingy for you?



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at <>

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