gpgsm --gen-key with key on smartcard

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Feb 28 14:50:39 CET 2018

On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 10:56, thomas.jarosch at said:

> When using a smartcard, what about showing the openpgp key IDs
> in the "Available keys" menu?

gpgsm does and shall not know anything about OpenPGP.  Thus it can't
display OpenPGP information.  In theory we could display the fingerprint
of the OpenPGP card because they are stored along with the key on the
OpenPGP card - however, that would only work for the OpenPGP card and
not for any other card which is supported by gpgsm.

If you need this information a small tool to present an enhanced menu
could be written.  That tool would then utilize gpgsm and gpg.  GPA
might be a candidate to implement this.



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