Forwarding both gpg and ssh agents

Chris Coutinho chrisbcoutinho at
Mon Jul 16 12:36:44 CEST 2018


I use the ssh-agent functionality of gnupg (version 2.2.8) to handle 
connecting to remote hosts, which works great. I'm also able to forward 
my gpg-agent to remote machines to e.g. decrypt files using the 
`RemoteForward` flag in my ~/.ssh/config:

Host myremote
	RemoteForward /path/to/remote/S.gpg-agent /path/to/local/S.gpg-agent.extra

I have a few remotes where I would also like to forward my ssh-agent so 
that I can make a third connection to a remote machine using my local 
ssh-agent (through gpg-agent). Specifically, I'm trying to ssh into a 
FreeBSD remote, and from there connect to a third remote git server 
using the ssh credentials from my local machine.

Is this functionality available?

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