AW: Breaking changes

Fiedler Roman Roman.Fiedler at
Thu May 24 10:44:16 CEST 2018

> Von: Gnupg-users [mailto:gnupg-users-bounces at] Im Auftrag von
> Ralph Seichter
> This thread really has me pulling my hair--what's left of it. Some core
> aspects from where I am standing:
> 1. GPG is maintained by volunteers. If you have any complaint about how
> this maintenance is progressing, get off your behind and be a volunteer
> yourself, or failing that, provide an incentive--money would be nice--to
> existing volunteers. See also: Gift horses, not looking in the mouth of.
> ...
> Get off your collective bums and out of bed, children! ;-)

Well, I quite invested some time in trying to argue for optimization of different parts of the gnupg product strategy. I also tried to offer to participate in writing down use-cases, do requirement engineering and EOL procedure optimization, e.g. see bottom of [1]. Maybe you do not know, what effort is behind that, or maybe you do but such offers are of no value for gnupg community, as they do not match the current strategy or maybe there is some other reason I do not know about (but I am interested in) for your replying that way. 

LG Roman


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