WoT question - policy

Stefan Claas stefan.claas at posteo.de
Sat Nov 17 13:49:13 CET 2018

On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 18:11:17 +0530, Kiran Shetty wrote:
> Can you please help me with  official GnuPG source.
> Actually I am Dot Net developer and not a Java developer, but
> according to requirement, i need to develop a java project where i
> can generate keys, encrypt, decrypt,etc.
> So can you please help me with same.

Unfortunately i am no programmer and therefore can't help you,
so hopefully someone else can do.

In case it is not a security problem maybe there would be also
the option, if a Java environment is nessesary to call a
GnuPG binary from within Java.... But like i said i am no
programmer (or a security expert)




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