Ok this is a stupid questions

vedaal at nym.hush.com vedaal at nym.hush.com
Wed Feb 27 00:15:29 CET 2019

On 2/26/2019 at 3:28 PM, "Stefan Claas" <sac at 300baud.de> wrote:And maybe another FOSS point? How about issuing Warrant Canaries?

I have seen that VeraCrypt does this.


The latest one is here:

Interesting, but it still boils down to *trust*.

I would trust WK and the GnuPG team even if they didn't *sign* a Warrant Canary
(i / we all, sort-of trust the verification of the new GnuPG releases, with his sig), 

And if we *don't trust*, then signing a Warrant Canary with the same signing key as the GnuPG release,
wouldn't help ;-)


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