WKD: mutt integration status (was: WKD documentation)

Wiktor Kwapisiewicz wiktor at metacode.biz
Wed Jul 10 14:03:34 CEST 2019

On 10.07.2019 13:35, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 10 Juli 2019 10:53:17 schrieb Wiktor Kwapisiewicz via Gnupg-users:
>> If you convince Mutt community that WKD is a good idea I can prepare the
>> patch for you.
> As I'm not on the mutt development channels,
> I'd prefer if someone else would do this.
> Bernhard
> ps.: Still I'm an very occasional mutt user.

I never used mutt before working on that change too ;)

Two patches are here (recreated from memory):

They do work as I've tested them in mutt using PGP: encrypt (y/e; the 
key was correctly fetched inside mutt).

If someone wants to take it over and propose it again on mutt-dev I 
don't mind (I don't care about credits so let's say it's released as 
public domain ;)).

There may be some error handling necessary. I've omitted it because if 
setting keylist_mode fails it's not catastrophic.

Kind regards,


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