[Alpine-info] Native OpenPGP integration with Alpine

Andrew Luke Nesbit ullbeking at andrewnesbit.org
Thu Mar 28 03:33:14 CET 2019

On 27/03/2019 20:32, Eduardo Chappa wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Mar 2019, Andrew Luke Nesbit wrote:
>> I received many useful responses.  However I would like to explore
>> options for native integration rather than using external filters.
>> Does anybody know of any efforts to integrate OpenPGP _natively_ into
>> Alpine?  Has anybody looked into this /at all/, or done anything like a
>> code review to see if this is even feasible?
> There was an effort to integrate OpenPGP into re-alpine. I know it was
> unfinished code, I think that most of what is needed is in place, so I
> would try to figure out what happened to that effort as a first approach
> into concluding that effort.
> If you need my assistance while working on this project, let me know. I'll
> be glad to help.

Thank you, Eduardo.  I'll have a look.


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