In case you use OpenPGP on a smartphone ...

Johan Wevers johanw at
Tue Aug 11 21:18:24 CEST 2020

On 11-08-2020 17:18, Stefan Claas wrote:

>> Why hardware? If a bug is found you can't upgrade it easily.
> Because hardware can't be tampered with like software.

If a hardware bug is found you're still lost. Even Apple has found out
the hard way.

>> On mobile, encrypted messengers are the norm. WhatsApp is the biggest,
>> and it uses Signal's encryption algorithm which is excellent.
> And you think that continuing with those is a good practice since
> Mr Snowden's YouTube Video was released?

It is a risk, but not a bigger risk than someone taking over your pc or
laptop. Signal and GnuPG are both defenseless against that.

ir. J.C.A. Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at

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