In case you use OpenPGP on a smartphone ...

Johan Wevers johanw at
Thu Aug 20 00:36:32 CEST 2020

On 19-08-2020 23:28, Ingo Klöcker wrote:

> We need to stop calling such rubbish "theories". Better call it "conspiracy 
> myths" or "conspiracy tales" or "conspiracy stories" or anything else that 
> makes it clear that (unlike scientific theories) it is not supported by facts.

You mean like the conspiracy myth that the NSA was eavesdropping on
everyone, whether they were allowed to or not? Yes, that was not
supported by facts (before the Snowden revelations) so it must have been
utter rubbish.

ir. J.C.A. Wevers
PGP/GPG public keys at

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