Accidentally deleted ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg

Stefan Claas sac at
Tue Jul 7 22:22:20 CEST 2020

Werner Koch via Gnupg-users wrote:
> On Mon,  6 Jul 2020 09:58, renws said:
> > Thanks for your reply. However I've never uploaded the public key to
> > any keyservers, is it possible to recover the public key from the
> > private key (I still have ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d)?
> If you really can't find a backup of the public key you can create an
> new key compatible to the old key.  There is no instant way to do this
> and it requires quite some manual work now; for example you need to
> figure out the exact key creation time to get the same fingerprint.
> Decryption can be done simpler.

Mmmhhh, I was under the impression when he still has the secret key that
he exports his secret-key (makes a back-up, just in case) re-imports
and then GnuPG automatically regenerates a pub key from the secret key.


my 'hidden' service gopherhole:

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