gpg-wks-client generates empty files

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Aug 20 16:45:03 CEST 2021

On Thu, 19 Aug 2021 17:14, Jonas Tobias Hopusch said:

> It's good to see one of you respond to my mail. I was worried that maybe the
> mailinglist broke both the SPF and DKIM checks and prevented it from being

Sorry, for taking long to reply.

> It's been a few months since I generated the key with GnuPG so I don't know if I
> put the extra spaces there. Maybe it's a consequence of leaving out my name
> during UID creation? (Back then I was hesitant to put my name on that key though
> my view on that is more relaxed by now.)

I general we strip all leading and trailing spaces. But there are of
course ways to generate such a user-id, it is covered by the specs.

> This question I'm asking myself at this explanation for the issue is why my
> Gitea instance's signing key was also affected by the bug. (The one with the
> autosign at UID)

Well, this

           /* Fixme: Unescape fields[9] */
           if (!append_to_uidinfo_list (&mboxes, fields[9],

explains it.  gpg --with-colons returns the user-id with C-style
escapes.  The "https://" has a colon and thus needs escaping.

I have pushed fixes for both bugs to 2.3 and 2.2


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