Reiner-SCT CyberJack secoder 2 (v2.2.0 USB 0c4b:0400)

Stefan Claas spam.trap.mailing.lists at
Mon Jan 11 16:40:52 CET 2021

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 10:55 AM Daniel Pocock <daniel at> wrote:
> I was going through some old hardware and came across this device
> Is it useful with gnupg or any other free software?
> Can anybody provide any links about how to use it with free software?
> Or is it better to just throw it away/recycle it and use something newer?
> Reiner SCT cyberJack secoder 2
> v2.2.0
> USB: 0c4b:0400

If you have the drivers for your OS and can then run on it AusweisApp2 or
the OpenSource app, which name I forgot, then you could use your nPA
and let your public key(s) certify, for free, with Governikus, which gives
you then a sig3.

The Governikus CA is run on behalf of BSI IIRC.


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