libgcrypt selftest failed

Christopher Mansfield chris at
Thu Jan 28 01:51:30 CET 2021

Hi there,

I'm running libgcrypt-1.9.0 on a Gentoo linux arm64. (actually I have 3 
arm64 machines and one x86_64 machine, all running Gentoo). I use the 
keepassxc application on all of these machines. After updating libgcrypt 
in the past couple of days, keepassxc won't start on my arm64 machines 
anymore. If I start it from a terminal, I see this message:

libgcrypt selftest: kdf  (34): invalid tests data 
libgcrypt selftest: kdf  (34): Selftest failed

The same keepassxc application works just fine on my x86_64 machine.

I created a small c program that calls GCRYTL_SELFTEST and it gives the 
same error on my arm64 machine. No error from my x86_64 machine.

Would appreciate any help with figuring out what's wrong - not sure if 
it's an actual bug, or maybe just the wrong build options.


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